Kings of Steel Industry Literature Give Away

Control Mental Attitude Make Yourself Friendly

A great example is charity. Within the charity industry you must practise out in amongst people. You must refine the script. You become very close to other people and get to test out how far you can go with a positive mental attitude. 

When your success is based on helping you will get to closely what it means to have luck. You will also find out more about the rules of engagement with people. These rules when crossed will give you first hand experience of violations that can happen. 

By not violating people you will be adhering to the law mentioned by a few knowledgable wealth authors like Scottish successful 19th century born business man Dale Carnegie. In 1919 he died of Pneumonia. 

He was a charitable Philanthropist who raised over $3 million for good causes. The Carnegie Institute still does good work today helping raise cash. Dale Carnegie had problems with people born into wealth. 

He said the only way to overcome poverty was to mastermind with at least one member of the family and mastermind with at least one business associate of prospect.

The reality seems to be the same as it was then, if you have a basic set amount of capital you can invest in multiple streams of income to make you richer.

A Library Fit For Any Monarchy

Having access to books was once a real privilege. The division between old and new thinking from the industrial age from across the pond was far from what United Kingdom was actually built on. 

A lot of what you read about wealth was to empower citizens who eloped to a new country to raise families. 

There were hard times before the industrial weaving technological advances. The silk trade was overshadowed with engineering, machines and appliances. UK paved the way for the steel industry. 

Dale Carnegie changed this. He was fuelled by a dissatisfaction with his neighbours. Like most Scottish lower class he spent many an early night on a hungry stomach. 

In Scotland like Ireland and other countries now in the EU send a large percentage of their countries profits to the European Union. 

This giveaway according to literature is based on mens clubs and masonic clubs. These clubs members were landowners and friends of the crown.

America did not have as many citizens from privileged backgrounds. 

The American dream is based on the victory of the civil war and the victory of the United Kingdom channelled at the monarchy. 

Interestingly the monarchy also had big libraries containing loads of knowledge. 

They would give away turkeys to the poor at Christmas. And the United Kingdom had always been the Queen of Steel. 

As we know America thanks to Ford exceed in the industry earning their name kings of steel. Hence the American comical icon Superman / Man of Steel.