Secondly an explanation is needed about why I highlight some of Crystals important topics on language, well firstly partly due to a conversation with an intelligent tailor yesterday who told me about a country in Russia, within the erasure quadrant that is not depicted even on the map in any same way, if I find my notes I will add the country. Anyway lets bite straight into the langaugesandwich.
Language death is bookmarked on four different levels; i) loss of symbolism, ii) threat to language, iii) visions disappear and iv) conditions change. The bible for instance is a book originally written over a 1600 year period in 60 different different languages and most of these languages have already died out. Crystal in his lecture quoted Moses in his Genesis chapter by saying "Moses and folks who speak a multitude of languages. It's a this level that was highlighted how important learning from older languages in art, music, sculpture, poetry, paintings and other things that can disappear in culture.
It's a shame to note that by allowing languages to disappear it is only a natural observation to assume that no-one of any importance is actually reading other cultures outside of their local bundle. Other mainstream languages like Hindi have been continually examined and realised just how important it is within the pragmatics of sociological culture, after all their is alot you can learn from everyone, additionally with the steam rolling of consciousness. Globalization is I assume being run by the individuals who spend time to go out and research the countries which are often not yet even documented on new Imperial maps. Often this is due to the society's culture could be challenging in it's weight compared to monastic society, in a arguable male dominated landscape.
If a language dies and we as a conscious collective let that country or tribes culture disappear then as already mentioned a great part of the planets consciousness slip away. The irony of this is that I only speak English and notably this blog is translated into Hindi but wouldn't it be great if this blog or more importantly your blog could be translated in every language. Maybe if not through the computer but maybe through some kind of language goggles.
Some solutions have also been suggested and that is if you go on holiday or you live near an indigenous community go out there with your DAT recorders and DVD machines to record the locals speaking, look to outside cultures on documentaries, do more research, read books what ever you can do to contribute to keeping what may seem small afloat within consciousness. The biggest blame for language loss is from the next generation who blame the previous generations neglect of culture of educating the local family tree's story. This could also be part of the technological change and the educational Internet landscape. Remember this is a problem, because whilst cultures are re -educating themselves the land is taking the flax.
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