Since Blogspot began in 2007 the figures have gone from 250,000 bloggers to 450 million. Truth about Things has explored a number of different topics related to truth, not all have been congruent and daily not many patterns have emerged. The consensus has been objective in most examples and constructively has no definable purpose. So as an overview I am making this post to change the direction of truth or trough and focus more on the Linguistic and semantic exploits of things to get a broader, common simple understanding of truth. Non critical perhaps and conclude the usual light hearted angle of making truth more palpable.
From the USA at congress on the front door we see things very differently, this is an old bronze placard shaped by pioneer's of law who I am sure are just reacting to the normal required uniform, symbolically these means many things and justify many norms. Similarly it is leading to suggest a reflection of truth and the left handed snake with two fingers small finger and index finger on the front door of Congress is a remnant of higher orders. This is somewhat fitting in a court of law and congruent with traditions still practised today. And I think you will agree there is nothing more bizarre than a man dressed up in a women garment yet the image is just an exaggeration and as already mentioned a medium in which an artist has expressed the needs of people who work beyond those doors. Although it also brings into debate many questions about christian orders or legal degrees. Hope that makes sense. After-all the wig is part and parcel of being in a court room.
The truth is wigs are very exclusive, cost sometimes thousands of pounds and are also a good source of economy, that generates sources of income at many levels. Horse hair, human hair and the white wigs in court are all needed in the wig world. The snake is wiggly, perhaps this is an aphorism of the explanation of the word wig, put the dress Jefferson wore for the artist looks more Greek than anything ceremonial, the handle of the mirror is representing medical practises rather than law, so from this image there are many things going on. This is perhaps why it is chosen as an example of Truth on Wickapedia.
Remember there is nothing concrete in truth this applies to bronze figurines, and as we open new doors we walk into different realms, and these types of symbolic interruptions reminds daily an individual from both sides of the field how they must conduct themselves as they walk into a room. Its a preamble of what to expect, and gets over the expectation that this is funny or entertaining. Although Judge Judy is a good TV show. The new interpretations and placards on court room doors are changing. Congress, Kybalion and other techniques or learning are cleverly placed in the most bizarre and confusing formats. This by all omissions has been the conclusions of our own little three or four year exploration of truth or trough.
Philosophically many people get to explore there own truth but this is another good example of how traditions and rituals are understandably forced upon people. Some time there is no meaning. Many people practise this at weddings in some traditions in the UK it is traditional to have the husband to be dress up in womans underwear then eventually they end up chained to a railing or lamppost and this is alcohol related, the bronze sculpture shaped in 1896 was before prohibition in the USA so perhaps this was just another remnant idea trying to interpret and justify history, and accept the ways things were, as indeed they still should be today. This I conclude is one sure positive example of depletion of ideals and traditions.

The truth is wigs are very exclusive, cost sometimes thousands of pounds and are also a good source of economy, that generates sources of income at many levels. Horse hair, human hair and the white wigs in court are all needed in the wig world. The snake is wiggly, perhaps this is an aphorism of the explanation of the word wig, put the dress Jefferson wore for the artist looks more Greek than anything ceremonial, the handle of the mirror is representing medical practises rather than law, so from this image there are many things going on. This is perhaps why it is chosen as an example of Truth on Wickapedia.
Remember there is nothing concrete in truth this applies to bronze figurines, and as we open new doors we walk into different realms, and these types of symbolic interruptions reminds daily an individual from both sides of the field how they must conduct themselves as they walk into a room. Its a preamble of what to expect, and gets over the expectation that this is funny or entertaining. Although Judge Judy is a good TV show. The new interpretations and placards on court room doors are changing. Congress, Kybalion and other techniques or learning are cleverly placed in the most bizarre and confusing formats. This by all omissions has been the conclusions of our own little three or four year exploration of truth or trough.
Philosophically many people get to explore there own truth but this is another good example of how traditions and rituals are understandably forced upon people. Some time there is no meaning. Many people practise this at weddings in some traditions in the UK it is traditional to have the husband to be dress up in womans underwear then eventually they end up chained to a railing or lamppost and this is alcohol related, the bronze sculpture shaped in 1896 was before prohibition in the USA so perhaps this was just another remnant idea trying to interpret and justify history, and accept the ways things were, as indeed they still should be today. This I conclude is one sure positive example of depletion of ideals and traditions.