The truth is I think time is very precious. It's not however about the watch on your wrist however this does help if you and your loved ones around you are happy that you are happy with the way in which you read time. Over the ages I think time was more important. Time was a place when people liked to co-ordinate there free-time. They would look to the sun for the answer. Time, or the hands of time was read by the shadows of the sun. Similarly men at sea would use a similar device invented I think but don't quote me by Michael Angelo. It's no secret information that time has alway's been symbolic or reading.
Soon as man became able to read time he became very intelligent and sophisticated. Breitling watches were designed as such that the power for these watches was kept in the mechanisms. No longer did you daily have to wind the mechanism up. The mechanism was powered by the way you walked. Some say a faulty mechanism because of course it requires that you move.

Or if your typing is heavy enough then possibly this would be enough for time to continue working. Typing is an important part of blogging, however if you are blogging, then you are probably always checking into many different e-mails. Now this is where time moves into a new era. This is where time becomes lost. Is this the place where a new clock would be suitably introduced. Heurologist's I'm sure would concur with what we are saying after-all what better present to buy your spouse a new friend or someone who is just struggling with the constant viewing of freckles on the sleeve. A good question to ask at this point is not what is the time or why are you not wearing a watch it or have you lost your watch it would be more friendly I guess to just tell them the time. After-all time can often be quite worrying however the chances are there is a clock on the wall or something like this. Some-people think the best place for time is high up on the wall for everyone to see. Well why is? Do you know? well I have one theory, clocks are round right? And clocks change throughout the day their position. This like the sun is where time and light collide. In the home despite how high you walls are inside you still look up for the light, therefore that is why the clock is possibly positioned at the top end of the building structure right, like the the sun, true? And who like the sun invented the earth, a bloke probably, so there lies the answer to why we always say he.

I for years would like to have called like time a she, however I can not fathom a feminine lexical for a female sun, not even in French grammar do you find sun as a feminine plural. Anyway back to watches, I know I'm rambling but their is reason for this this, which I'm sure I'll get to, ok. My point is and there usually is some keyword point to my ramblings about the truth is that, time like reading is something that becomes more compact, take women watches for instance. They are usually a lot neater, smaller and more intricate than a blokes. But what is fascinating here is about the reduction in size of the mechanism that would have to be measured in some way about the efficiency and longevity of these cool watches, quite possibly even if you wanted to get right into the nitty gritty of time or your watch which could be more important, how water proof is it, is it like a lot of new laptops now shock proof. How strong is the glass, what do the hands look like. I mean the last thing you want is a watch that after a while its hands start curling up like a lucky fish in a lucky cracker right? I mean after-all you tell a lot about things when you look at someone's hands so why should this not apply to the observance of someone's wrist's. If watches in this sense are pejoratively important to when then why do men when going out with expensive shirts with groovy cuff-clips that overshadow the watches they wear.

Chances are these watches the mechanisms of precisely reading time are only being revealed when like Elvis they would extend their arms in a way in which people can see their new lovely watch. I would suggest that in this blog we all make a petition to tailors all over the world to start designing outgoing suits and shirts that shrink enough so the watch and be on display, so that the women can look up to the men's pretty display of time and the women can show of their matching watches when out with their partners in a way that everybody can just have a lovely meal and not spill over into another time code continuum.
Question have you thought about time recently? i mean your not getting any younger right. There is a time-code attached to everything no matter how silly. So my question is and try and answer this truthfully when was the last time you felt yo had had the time of your-life and you felt like time stopped and time did not really bother you?
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