The Truth for centuries has been blacked out. The truth is about the colour black is that on paper it can cover all colours including white. You cannot white wash the colour black on the wall or on paper. Recently the colour black has been used in the headlines to cover the topic of secrecy, so this blog is about The Truth about Secrecy. Sharing information between a small amount of people is one way the truth can avoid having to be blacked out. The secrecy is about information, therefore when information is leaked out within a secret organisation then the chances are the truth will then be blacked out. It costs more money to make original information than what it does to keep a secret. The true of definition of what I mean is ideas like information overshadow in importance when created by individuals.
Secret societies have been known to teach certain secrets. The truth is though the people with the ideas and original creativity exist outside of any society,

however they are still prone to having a small number of friends around who the truth about an idea a joke or a scheme is still the case. Within the secret society however it is possible, and I emphasise the word 'is' that many within that society will be moving through ideas quicker through a collective that is more consuming than Google or Bing that and this is the contradictory 'is' that there is a danger of people are reading and reciteing from the same script and inadvertently missing the true secret. I mean blacking out things publicly has been going on for centuries.
The prestige of having a secret is very special. The truth is keeping a secret can be very tricky. Therefore when campaigns of claiming secret ideas and other secretive information there is a danger of the truth being rotated not long after the secret has been released to the people who did not originally conceptualised the information. Money is a good way of blacking out secrets that have been revealed.Now secrets have a superstitious stigma attached to then, giving away a secret is a form of trust, but at the same time is loading a responsibility on the holder of the truth or the secret. Lots of people join societies because they think they will become more prestigious by holding some new truth, exercising that truth then learning how to black this out.
Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski a Polish writer who passed away in 1924 wrote a short story about secrecy called 'The Secret Sharer and Other Stories'. His style of writing has been compared to that of Ernest Hemingway and William Burroughs and who's work was

enjoyed by film directors Alfred Hitchcock and Francis Ford Coppola. This story is about two sailors out at sea in a storm on boats like the era of the Cutty Sark and it is about the narrative between the two guy's as they share each others secrets. Could this be the only occupation that is a good example of secret keeping is out at sea many hundreds of years ago.
The bottom of boats is often blacked out with waterproof black tar paint this is protect the boat from choppy waves that crash upon its base. The secret therefore is in the boat, and if we are all in the same boat then we all need to help painting the protection base of our boat. Noah was said to build a boat on his own and filled it full of all the animals two by two of all animal creeds and colours. He and his wife navigated the ship and avoided the flood. This bible storey could be more symbolic of what Korzeniowski was trying to achieve in his story. There are many other stories in other books that not everybody can understand without being blacked out however the truth always comes out sooner or later.

In conclusion the blacking out of the truth happens, the reason for this is a mystical as the word truth. However the truth is that those who claim to have the ultimate truth are running outside of other peoples spiritual bundle. Therefore truth and secrecy's mean different thing to different people and its at this level that I hope to explore without stumbling upon too many secrets, after all a secret takes responsibility. If you want truth then be careful of trying to understand secrets. And if you want to black out the past be sure it is of your own innate making not some groups miss mashed script of the many.
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