In parallel to Americanism to the right you will see the fish bowl in congruence with the Greek teachings we see within the paragraphs related within this blog the subject to the left relating with the object on the first paragraph on the right. From this you can safely draw I am English and that I am talking about culture from the cultologists point of view in a world of culturism and how one can define its apposing, conflicting, yet conjoining views. The fish bowl like the basics of pet ownership and the analogy of having this idea of having fish in a bowl looking outwards and human beings looking inwards then relating this with culture is one easy way of remembering that culture is at a very basic level the responsibility that operates on many different levels and at it’s simplest level can form in communication to be scaled and measured is difficult is for one reason alone the difference between each and every species that culture involves and at it’s most complicated level without seeming to dumb is that culture on a global level is predominantly made of water and as mammals we consume this water and we fish the seas water but we find it difficult to put some kind of scale upon how we fit into this kind of analogy therefore rendering us incalculable unable to remember unable to define so its at this level the roots of the culturism at it’s historical connotations if one is to deepen the understanding of the truth about culture.

On the left a black and white patched football represents the second level of this map to shape this deeper understanding of culture and the truth about how this can be used by people humans to understand culture at it’s rawest form the football. The football is merely a tool, something to play with, sport, sporting two base colours that are often underestimated and within the Greek analogy the ball represents something rather that the feet would use rather than the head although the head is used.
Again at the same sense the ball is a way of seeing life is also a game that is universal and is seen as a universal unification. Cultologists could use this as a way of redefining and mapping the competition or on a deeper level understanding and questioning cultural communities and the way in which culture is experienced, bearing in mind that culturism is predetermined by at its simplest form the best of the best and the winners of culture incongruence with the benefactors of the awards available is simply another extension of mans competition to evolve but this will always be seen and taught in rigid and static ways, depending upon the biological and sociological connotations of each individual country, but this soon will be flattening out due to the internet as indeed it did with the invention of the football.

Part three of this em, understanding of culture as a way of remembering which is a key part of this blog as a way of defining culturism. To the right you will see the crystal ball and with relation to the Greeks subject to the object relation the crystal ball in the how do you say the gypsy or Romanian way of looking through the lenses, scrying through the image of a global mirror that circumferences some understanding that can be hopefully gained in the subject of culture if not want for the mystery of education by honouring the worlds cultural preferences. In this age we live in of communities and culture being the topic I wish to rite about in this blog we look to the ideas of the theorists and sociologists that explain again thirdly in congruence with culturism and this deeper analogy of what this actually means the crystal ball is again at this third level of understanding a way of predicting behaviours and a way of generalising people as a whole in-order to focus upon a new system that will hopefully model humans, that will model the environment and then hopefully help navigate society through this vast sea of transcultural loss. And at the same time in which growth occurs through one culture reassembles and amalgamates the on-going hybridisation of fragmented modern society. This in-turn is a cross section of the concepts and the way that we identify this topic of culture in todays society in 2009, but at the same time highlighting the memories that are crystalised in the image in relation to the text to help memorise the truth at it’s lowest pressurised unfathomable rather fathomable template.

I-order to understand the frame of cultural differences and the challenges in the environment today the platform model within culture and the study of culture has been one of the models that have been shaped upon the cultural iceberg. This model is based on the values, beliefs and attitudes and what is normal within the taxonomies that are set in-order to distinguish between with how we identify or we should identify with culture. This is split in two ways primarily in awareness and primarily in outer awareness. Primarily in awareness includes according to the iceberg model; fine arts, litriture, drama classical music, popular music, folk dancing, games, cooking and dress sense. And under this wave as showed in the iceberg model this is just the tip of the iceberg and below the water is 75% of the iceberg which covers the human levels of human out of awareness. This includes ideas of coception of beauty, cosmology, our relationship to animals, eye contact and our role in staus by age, sex, class occupation, kinship, etc it also includes how we configure time, how we see ourselves, how we weigh up ourselves with friendship, how we remember our youth, there is another cross section of all the psychological research done of recent years of Freud Jung, Kinsley and other psychologists who are willing to go outside the bundle in-order to examine the iceberg culture, and culturism. This again could be seen as no means as a immature way of intellectualising something simple, quite the contrary it has contributed to a deeper understanding of culture but a the same time as you unified us as commodities which looks good on the intent and with the recent potential of redefining language, translating language rather, people will begin to understand what they take for granted for living in their society is quite contrary to what other countries. And what I hope to see from this as those who shaped in the beginning a fundamental change in the deepest of change in culturology and the lack of understanding of cultologists and a general disdain for the word culture.

On the next platform again a spherical shape to remind us of the truth but as a simple way of bullet pointing such a deep analogy of culture is the planet earth and I take this planet earth in relation to the topic of linguistic understanding and another way of simplifying religious in-difference and beliefs in today’s society. When the topic of linguistics, Sapir Whorf in culture who looked at basic languages like Inuit’s spoken word and then translating it through the sound system without going into too much of his research is an important part of culture and communication and comparing two languages of two cultures to understand, therefore flattening out or rather contributing to flattening out society and social realities.
So Sapir Whorf approached his hypothesis with this in mind.
His research that he did what qualitative in that he drawn from many different languages and looked to some of the major languages that was not his native language in-order to prov, erm weigh his validity in the hypothetical quest with the understanding of how important it actually is the topic of language.
How we see language today in society like the world is for most of us because most of us have not gone outside of the world and not seen the bigger picture and would be fool hardy of any man to expect the human to understand the green, the blue and the whole scope of land and the whole composition of water at different locations of the compass. But to have the simple conscious awareness that Sapir Whorf in mid 20th century took vocabulary too the next level. At this level we could also honour him with opening new perceptions and stimulating the analogy of culture and supporting similar cognitive universal necessities.

Jumping a little for want of fitting in on simply one page of fitting in on this blog as a way of fitting in we go straight to the cultural onion as a shape which two theorist Trumpan Oz and Hampton Turner 1998) defined the ways in which of what I call culturalism and what he calls cross cultural situations is split by three levels of the cultural onion, the outer layer being the explicit the secondary level being the norms and values and within the central layer of the cultural onion is a basic assumption about existence.
So if we are to take culture as a part of food and agriculture and think about the necessities about the bowl of meaning that man wishes to live in culture and remember exactly in a simple format what is right and wrong within the laws that differ considering the planets overly complex composition, opens up new elements of observing the crystal dream of understanding cultures that are so different they don’t even get to, to engage in argument they just simply exist on either side of the of the world but like the onion will be universally used, but like peeling the onion is layered with deep emotion as anyone knows if they’ve peeled or chopped an onion then left in tears wondering why?
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