Top ten truths for 2009

What are the top 10 truths that everybody know are true and can tangibly fathom without having to rely on metaphysical theories to comprehend a complex subject. Not many, none, some, transitory truths, long lasting truths, deep truth and truth that just reels of the tongue, like a breath. But like a breath this is a two way thing. If you breath in the truth. (No I'm not going to move onto the environment or the oxygen in a can analogy). Yes the can analogy, so here's a truth: When I was only twelve I went on a school trip to Paris, Via La Rochelle (a town in the west of France). Anyway to cut a long story short having stayed in the peaceful Provence of La Rochelle for five days, 150 kids got on a coach set for Paris, stopped about half way to visit the underground caves engraved with dinosaurs, then eventually arrived in the 50's style coach to the Mu-La Rouge region, right down from the Windmill. The accommodation was cheap, but it was near the Mue-la Rouge, right, ok.My point is at the age of twelve on the way to the Eiffel tower we were all offered an aerosol can of Paris Air, hence the can analogy. However i point is which I didn't originally plan on being my point, a can of air is a can of air. But in an aerosol, some of the kids bought a can it was I think about 15 francs at the time, anyway it got me thinking if I had bought that can of air, I may still have it now, after-all it was an aerosol. However and here's the truth pondering, un-metaphysical question, would that can of air make me happy. Yup am just full of hot air today.

2009 so far has been a good year for truth, everybody seem to be passing over their golden nuggets and being very charitable at the same time. I noticed on a New Years greeting to the constituents within the Pentagon video on the pentagon website a recommendation to rich people. This was that in-order to enjoy your wealth that you earn you must give a small percentage away to charitable causes of your own choice, the member who was guided servant of the people said the truth about enjoying wealth is being able to enjoy it, which even though in times of pressuring changes in economy if you don't share then you won't feel. Wow that sounds like a great advert for Blogspot. If you don't share you don't feel, does that resonate any truth? The puzzling thing is the truth about 2009 and beyond is visualized in the film WallE. WallE found it very difficult to even know that the rubic's cube was a puzzle. Likewise this week a guy who new that a rubic's cube was a puzzle and he tried to solve the puzzle it took him over 10 years to finish the puzzle. Now I'm sure in this time it was not long before this guy ten years decided to give up on his rubics cube, then maybe, just maybe he watched WallE do his thing, then decided to give it another shot, and thought it would make headline news, which it did. The truth is we don't really care much about the truth as long as it makes a nice story, or sounds relatively good or quenches the thirst we all have.

The top ten things on my list this 2009 will be crammed into this one blog, then it's out the way right, no use bumbling around trying to figure out what the purpose of truth is nor for that matter get confused with the popularity of truth that constrains the minds ideology to strive to feel comfortable, like new furniture, or new slippers, new kitchen or the truth about buying a new anything.
