The truth about the internet these days is that of information and to others it is about socialization. Some of the tactics involved in keeping up appearances online is a sociologists dream. The new names the terminology and the describing of behaviors users online expose themselves to is difficult to understand. The reason to understand the Krux of the topic is impossible however there has been some great explanations over the past decade so I thought I’d pit my wit’s at accumulating some valid information for you to digest. Much of what I have explained here is still not concrete truth however the metaphors of other people register something I can honestly say has informed me about social networking online in the most honest and blunt way possible. In this sense I will refer you to firstly the three questions posed that are What is; Social capital, Social Media and attention economics. Then I go on to give some example of how these three important theories have caused people to react and take advantage of the online tolls offered to raise there gain in their own minds of confusion.
What is Social capital?
Social capital is a concept in business, economics, organisational behavior, political science, public health, sociology. They have been described in positive way that they tend to share the core idea "that social networks have value. Contrastingly negative ways are the big problems of modern society, they tend to share the core idea "that social networks have value. Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu used the term in 1972 in his Outline of a Theory of Practice, and clarified the term some years later in contrast to cultural, economic, and symbolic capital.

Things the kids are interested in that can be a valuable source of info for the wanna be ‘influencer’ are ‘Wall decals’ because they are easy to apply and remove for kids to re-imagine their online space.
I particularly like the analogy called ‘Whuffie’. ‘Whuffie’ is the ephemeral, reputation-based currency of Cory Doctorow's sci-fi novel, ‘Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom’. This future history book describes a post-scarcity economy: All the necessities (and most of the luxuries) of life are free for the taking. A person's current ‘Whuffie’ is instantly viewable to anyone, as everybody has a brain-implant giving him or her an interface with the Net.

Social Media Consultant entails using the online social media tools available to spread the word - much like PR does for traditional media - to pick up steam for the brands they represent. This means using tools like ‘Hub Spot’ and Google analylitics for measuring impact of social media campaigns, as well as tracking word of mouth through Twitter’s search. Good social networking is all about how people talk about the networker, how they interact and how the things they post are spread around. It helps if you’re a trained PR rep because this can help you to become an influencer. Someone who helps someone socially network better. A good networker knows what the market will respond to and will have a good reputation but more importantly have a product. This could be any sort of embodiment (book or music) or service.
What is Attention economics?
Attention economics is an approach to the management of information that treats human attention as a scarce commodity, and applies economic theory to solve various information management problems. "Attention economics" today is primarily concerned with the problem of getting consumers to consume advertising. This relationship with advertising in the consumer market has been called ‘Attention scarcity’. Attention scarcity is fundamentally reshaping the economics of most industries it touches; beginning with the media industry. (Hague 2005)
Web environment evolve in response to search engine algorithms" (Page 1998). “It is estimated that successful exploitation of such strategies, known as web spam, is a potential $4.5 billion per year business “(Singhal 2004, p. 16).
Some major search engines now rely on some form of PageRank (recursive counting of hyperlinks to a site). Participants engaging in this do what’s called practices known as link spamming, link farming, and reciprocal linking. (Tatum 2005, p10)
More pervasive advertising networks like Yahoo! Publisher Network and Google's, Adsense work by treating consumer attention as the property of the search engine.
The term Googlewashing was coined in 2003 to describe the use of media manipulation to change the perception of a term, or push out competition from search engine results pages (SERPs). Since 2007 Google have changed their search rank alogorythm. So now we have what’s called a Google bomb. The first Google bomb was sent in 1999. The search word ‘Google Bomb’ rated higher on the page than “Satan”. Google bombing is closely related to ‘Spamdexing’ , the practice of deliberately modifying HTML pages to increase the chance of their being placed close to the beginning of search engine results. Other search engines use similar techniques to rank results, so Yahoo, AltaVista, and HotBot are also affected by Google bombs. There is a company that specifically makes trade from this kind of search engine marketing they are called Quixtar IBO.
In “.net_(magazine)’, Issue 134, March 2005, a contest was created among five professional web site developers to make their site the number one listed site for the made-up phrase "crystalline incandescence". Some well known Google bombers are Daniel Sieradski whoa asked bloggers to link his definition of Jew to Wickapedia; Dan Savage a columnist who in reply to US senator sent out extreme messages in support of his faith in homosexuality to incite the word santorum into the dictionary. Luckily since 2007 Google has improved it’s defense against this kind of forced change through a process they call spam dexing.

Bourdieu, Pierre. (1972) Outline of a Theory of Practice
Goldhaber, M. H. (1997): The Attention Economy and the Net
Hague, U. (2005). The Attention Economy. Online Journal. Sage
Tatum, C. (2005): First Monday
Senator Santorum Scandal.
Overview of Social Capital theory? Study of Japanes children
Google diffuses Googlebombs.
Google bombs officially diffused?
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Keywords: Slide share, Social Networking, podcasts, Googlebombs, Crystalline Incandescence.
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