The top of my priorities this millennium is to search for the truth. I am fascinated with the knowledge being shared over the internet. But more importantly the internet has inspired me to contribute to this. Be it about the truth of Democracy, truth of words, wars and wheels. Like the 360 degree's we measure as a wheel turns, so to does the research I hope to research. For my first post I will post my submission to Delinquents 5 on my analyse of two British Hangmen and how there work was important then and important today. Wicki or wickapedia are all good trusted sources, however I will be consulting paper books. I have membership with London's British museum and am prepared to do appropriate research if A: I approve of your request and B: I have time and a good memory of what was mentioned. I hope to talk about more uplifting topics and assume I will not bore you with my trivial revelations. (remember I am an amateur trying to achieve something more than casual existence. Survival is knowledge and the tour of Duty was a ploy that although ambiguous is poignant and fitting for my first pleasantries. Additionally I will hope to get to some locations mentioned and hope to take photographs, record transcripts of any important interviews and continually utilise the video's already available on veo, youtube, myspace and laughordie. Please add me as a friend and I will do my utmost to begin proceedings.
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